English Certificate
Raul Silva
has successfully completed the EF SET Certificate and has earned level:
B2 Upper Intermediate
Awarded on:
17 Jun 2024
Understanding the results
EF SET | 0-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-100 |
CEFR | A0 Novice | A1 Beginner | A2 Elementary | B1 Intermediate | B2 Upper Intermediate | C1 Advanced | C2 Proficient |
0-20 | A0 Novice |
21-30 | A1 Beginner |
31-40 | A2 Elementary |
41-50 | B1 Intermediate |
51-60 | B2 Upper Intermediate |
61-70 | C1 Advanced |
71-100 | C2 Proficient |
The achieved level is 52/100 on the EF SET score scale and B2 Upper Intermediate according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). The EF SET score is calculated as an average of the skill section scores.
B2 Upper Intermediate
You comprehend articles on many subjects and you can follow arguments and disagreements in most cases; you understand a variety of specialized written texts.
- Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in your field of specialization
- Can read articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers adopt particular attitudes or viewpoints
- Can understand contemporary literary prose
B2 Upper Intermediate
You comprehend most lectures and speeches, including complex arguments and disagreements; you understand most television, radio, internet, and film broadcasts with not too much effort.
- Can understand extended speech and lectures and follow even complex lines or argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar
- Can understand most TV news and current affairs programs
- Can understand the majority of films in standard dialect
B2 Upper Intermediate
You can write persuasively about a range of topics related to your interests, sharing your views in some detail and supporting those views with arguments and examples.
- Can write an essay or report which develops an argument systematically with appropriate highlighting of significant points and relevant supporting detail.
- Can write a persuasive letter which develops an argument, giving reasons in support of or against a particular point of view and explaining the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
- Can write a detailed review of a film, book or play.
A2 Elementary
You are learning to share information about your past experiences and future plans with friends and colleagues.
- Can tell stories and describe your past life, giving details about important milestones.
- Can discuss basic personal and professional problems and propose solutions.
- Can navigate autonomously as a tourist and handle unexpected situations if they arise.