English Certificate
Leidy Caridad Pérez Hidalgo
has successfully completed the EF SET Certificate and has earned level:
C1 Advanced
Awarded on:
20 Oct 2024
Understanding the results
EF SET | 0-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-100 |
CEFR | A0 Novice | A1 Beginner | A2 Elementary | B1 Intermediate | B2 Upper Intermediate | C1 Advanced | C2 Proficient |
0-20 | A0 Novice |
21-30 | A1 Beginner |
31-40 | A2 Elementary |
41-50 | B1 Intermediate |
51-60 | B2 Upper Intermediate |
61-70 | C1 Advanced |
71-100 | C2 Proficient |
The achieved level is 63/100 on the EF SET score scale and C1 Advanced according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). The EF SET score is calculated as an average of the skill section scores.
C2 Proficient
You can read virtually any kind of text (factual, literary, technical) and accurately recognize and categorize style and tone. You can understand complex technical writing on unfamiliar subjects on a wide range of topics.
- Can read with ease virtually all forms of written language, including abstract, structurally or linguistically complex texts such as manuals, specialized articles and literary works
- Can understand a wide range of long and complex texts, appreciating subtle distinctions of style, and implicit meaning
- Can understand in detail complex texts likely to be encountered in social, professional or academic life, identifying finer points of detail including attitudes and implied opinions
B2 Upper Intermediate
You comprehend most lectures and speeches, including complex arguments and disagreements; you understand most television, radio, internet, and film broadcasts with not too much effort.
- Can understand extended speech and lectures and follow even complex lines or argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar
- Can understand most TV news and current affairs programs
- Can understand the majority of films in standard dialect
C1 Advanced
You are confident writing essays, articles, letters and reports on both familiar and less familiar subjects.
- Can write clear, detailed reports, synthesizing and evaluating information and arguments from a number of sources.
- Can write about complex subjects, underlining the salient issues and supporting points of view at some length with subsidiary points, reasons and relevant examples.
- Can write fiction and imaginative texts in an assured, personal style appropriate to the intended reader.
B2 Upper Intermediate
You are learning to express a nuanced position on a wide range of subjects and interact successfully in a business environment.
- Can participate in meetings and give short presentations on areas of expertise at work.
- Can use appropriate language in a range of social and professional situations, including praising and expressing sympathy.
- Can explain your education, experience, strengths and weaknesses, and discuss your career path.